Ep 81121: Is The End Nearer Than We Think?

The Daily Mojo with Brad Staggs show

Summary: The insanity of fact-checking the fact-checker. Hint: they're mostly liberal hacks with funding from liberal hack organizations and an agenda to discredit anything they simply don't agree with. Also, Rand Paul gets cancelled, the government is spending money again, and we're running out of time. <br>Sarah Anderson joins the conversation to talk about the constant tax and spend cycle that is engulfing Washington DC and the swamp creatures. Plus, she announces her new career path!<br><br>Brandon Morse ( @TheBrandonMorse Redstate.com ) drops by to talk about Cuomo, Biden, and how you should be in politics. Yes, you!<br><br>Plus, it's Day 514 of 15 Days To Flatten The Curve<br><br>You can watch us live on Facebook (for now), Youtube, Mojo 5-0 TV, or listen live on Mojo 5-0 Radio on iHeartRadio or on our website at Mojo50.com.<br><br>#TheDailyMoJo #Mojo50 #WhatILearnedToday #ResistStupid #RealBradStaggs #RealRonPhillips