Viya Chen 專訪 Yoky Yu & Vina Huang

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Summary: (Topic) 創造一個鼓舞慶祝成功的工作文化 (Guest 1) 受訪者 1:俞詩瑶 前5項優勢: 蒐集、學習、完美、積極、前瞻 蓋洛普認證優勢教練,常駐西班牙。體驗式引導師、Guang 療癒計劃創始人、作家、女性獨角戲表演和行為藝術的演出者。巴塞羅那藝術學院表演碩士、巴塞羅那大學心理劇和團體治療碩士 (2020-2022)。 (Guest 2) 受訪者 2:黃薇霓 前5項優勢: 前瞻、關聯、體諒、和諧、蒐集 蓋洛普認證優勢教練,常駐西班牙。 的創始人和 Coach Moments 的聯合創始人。多元文化、國際環境工作經驗超過12年,並為不同行業進行廣泛的開發任務。專長於數字營銷、跨境電子商務和創業網絡。 (Host) 主持人:陳薇雅 Viya Chen 前5項優勢:前瞻、完美、策略、行動、交往 StrengthsBusiness 優勢觀點學院台灣和新加坡創辦人,Gallup 蓋洛普全球優勢教練認證課程華文區域代理,優勢立基的前瞻策略家。結合財星五百大企業高管實務經驗,透過中英文教練與培訓,協助個人與企業發揮優勢,創造遠景與策略行動、看見並實踐及志未來。 Create a Culture that Inspires: Celebration and Success Learn how organizations or entrepreneurs can create a culture that recognizes and celebrates success -- especially as more of employees or coaches may be working remotely -- including insights on how managers or individual contributors can individualize their recognition based on their strengths and make it meaningful Guest 1: Yoky YuTop 5: Input, Learner, Maximizer, Positivity, Futuristic Gallup certified Strengths Coach based in Spain. Experiential Facilitator. Creator of the Guang Healing Project. Author of a novel and performer of various one-woman shows and behavior art projects. MA in Acting (Institute of the Arts Barcelona); MA in Psychodrama and Group Therapy (University of Barcelona.) Guest 2: Vina HuangTop 5: Futuristic, Connectedness, Empathy, Harmony, Input Gallup certified Strengths Coach and Trainer in Spain, the founder of and co-founder of Coach Moments. 12 years of international experience working in multi-cultural environments and for different industries developing a wide range of tasks. Specialized in digital marketing, cross-border e-commerce and entrepreneurial network. Called to Coach 優勢播客,是蓋洛普 Gallup (透過YouTube) 的直播訪談,為優勢教練和有志參與優勢運動的夥伴們,提供一個能與優勢立基卓越教練們互動的機會。 Called to Coach is a Gallup Webcast (via YouTube) that allows current and prospective coaches to interact with strengths coaches who have found success in strengths-based development.