Who Has the Most Toys? Part 1

Insight for Living Canada Daily Broadcast show

Summary: <a href="/library/all/scripture/matthew?field_scripture_chapter_start=19" title="Discover more resources on Matthew 19">Matthew 19:13-22</a> / <span class="date-display-start">August 25</span>-<span class="date-display-end">26, 2021</span> <p>Pastor Chuck Swindoll explores theĀ ever relevant subject of possessions to help you examine your own soul, which is far more valuable than owning all the toys the world can offer.</p> <p>From the Series: The King's Ministry: A Study of Matthew 14-20</p> <p><a href="https://www.insightforliving.ca/broadcast/matthew/TKMSMD17?utm_medium=rss">read more</a></p>