The Friendship Table (Episode 15) with Bobbie Houston, Christine Caine & Friends

Bobbie Houston Podcast show

Summary: <p>Join Bobbie Houston for the beginning of Series 3 of “The Sisterhood Friendship Table”.  In this episode (recorded on 15th July 2021), Bobbie is joined by Christine Caine, Cathy Clarke and Tolu Badders.  This powerful conversation is based on the real and honest question “How did I get here?” (the title of Christine’s latest book).</p> <p>“Fight the good fight of faith. Jesus is our anchor - firm and secure. He is faithful.” Christine Caine</p> <p>“Keep your eyes on Jesus so you don’t waver in humanity.” Bobbie Houston</p> <p>There’s nothing like gathering around the table with friends and you have a place here at our table. You’re invited to join us every Thursday LIVE 10am AEST on <a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqbjg2N3pmT3hRUzRhQ2UwMGF0Uzg2dzBuc3lFd3xBQ3Jtc0ttZHRtVlk3a2FWUU1ocXREdkxlSjZLTndZWS1ocHFwb3BPZ0hYMG02MS0xejNleVlGUHR4OXdDZnRsX3h3TnNReldxYzU2VTdxT1o5WlBOOUVoVXYyMDE5LWFGRzJZUTJFSFowdVI0U2xpcGV1X3lSSQ&amp;" target="_blank"></a>​ or catch up on demand at <a href=""></a></p> <p>____</p> <p>If you made a decision, please visit <a href=""></a></p> <p>If you are in need of help or would like to chat to a Pastor, please visit <a href=""></a></p> <p>____</p> <p>Connect with @BobbieHouston and the @ColourSisterhood on Instagram and Facebook.</p>