Flash Gordon – Azor Regains Memory. 350824

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Last week Flash was given an electric charge from Doc Zarkoff’s invention and is now invisible. Flash went to Queen Azura’s palace and battled with the guards. <br> Today the worried Dale and Zarkoff see the riderless horse approaching their cottage. Is it Flash? Has he been successful? It seems that he is becoming visible again as he recounts his victory, and plans another trip to rescue prisoners. Dale hates the idea, and is jealous of the witch Queen. And with good reason since in previous episodes Queen Azura had made Flash her love slave. <br> Meanwhile in the castle, Kahn has Azura under the affects of the mind control drug and he tries to condition her to acknowledging Flash as king. In a sudden rush, the drug wears off and she demands to know where her prisoner, Flash is. Kahn is in trouble when Azura recognizes him as a prisoner, not a friend. <br> Kahn is brave, but rebellious in the face of his captors. Word reaches Azura about the mysterious Avenging Shadow that had just attacked. With Queen Azura back to full memory, she tries to make defense plans against Flash and the Avenging Shadow. <br> Back with Dale and Zarkoff, they worry over the mission that Flash just set out on. What should they do while they wait? Why, chop firewood of course! What could happen while doing such a common chore? <br> As Doc falls his tree, Dales screams for help are heard. In the palace, the invisible Flash is in Azura’s chambers, but has she caught him? Learn the reasons for the screams, and the outcome that awaits flash in the next exciting installment. <br>