Jack Benny – Another Chapter Of Buck Benny. ep270, 371107

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Don and Jack talk about his restful vacation at Palm Springs. Mary confirms at least some of what Jack said. Phil contributes by joking about Jacks car. When Kenny’s line doesn’t get a big laugh, Jack adlibs for a bigger one. Mary reads a letter from her mom. Kenny sings, Roses in December. <br> Before Jack can introduce the play, he gets a visit from Eddie Anderson who has a joke about his car. Mary tells secrets on Jack, and travel adventures with his car.Phil plays, Old King Cole. <br> After a year has gone by, and Cactus Face hasn’t been caught yet, the continuing drama of Buck Benny continues. It’s time for the sheriff elections, and Buck has to overcome the lies that his opponent is telling about him. Let the election, and campaign jokes flow. <br> At the debate, Buck faces off against Deadeye Cassidy, better known as Schlepperman. The heated campaign comes to blows, but it looks like we’ll need to tune in next week to learn the outcome of the election. You’ll know the show is done when<br> Don tells you the next yummie Jello recipe. <br>