A Quick Conversation About Fantastic Fungi

LOA Today - Living Our Abundance with the Law of Attraction - Your Daily Dose Of Happy show

Summary: Debbie G. is the heroine of the day when she pulls over by the side of the road on her travels back to California to do today's show. What a trooper! Walt kicks the show off by talking about a film he and his wife, Louise saw the night before on NetFlix called Fantastic Fungi. This is truly a must-see film by director Louie Schwartzberg. A large portion of the film focuses on the life experience of Paul Stamets, an amateur mycologist and author who has pioneered much of the most impressive research in the field of mushrooms and fungi. It educates the audience about the many truly remarkable ways that mushrooms influence our lives every day, and I don't just mean magic mushrooms! Debbie also shares a story about a troubling text she received and how it made her really confront her own role in how she creates her life experiences. Use the LOA Today app to share a comment or ask a question: https://loatoday.net/download