Ep 72821: Gotta Keep Up The Fight - And Lay Off Simone!

The Daily Mojo with Brad Staggs show

Summary: We may be growing weary of the battle, but we have to keep up the fight! The sham 1/6 commission continues their teary-eyed theater, the fight over the covid vaccine continues, and why is everybody picking on Simone Biles?<br><br>Sarah Anderson from FreedomWorks.com joins the convo with the latest on spending in Washington. And Brandon Morse from RedState.com (@TheBrandonMorse) discusses the debate over Joe Biden's xenophobia (it was good enough for Trump, remember?).<br><br>You can watch us live on Facebook (for now), Youtube, Mojo 5-0 TV, or listen live on Mojo 5-0 Radio on iHeartRadio or on our website at Mojo50.com.<br><br>#TheDailyMoJo #Mojo50 #WhatILearnedToday #ResistStupid #RealBradStaggs #RealRonPhillips