Crime Club – Self Made Corpse. ep36, 470731

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: A plan for living, for which the architect was death. <br> A mild mannered bank teller goes to the big city to talk to some gangsters. He is fed up with his employer, and presents his plan to rob the bank. The wary mobsters are curious enough to come around and case the joint. They see the merits of the plan and agree to do the job. <br> Later, the teller’s slightly overbearing wife finds clues and turns her hubby over to the cops. On the run, Andy the bank teller seeks refuge with the mobsters. The cute little hatcheck girl swipes his cash. When the mild mannered man becomes too much of a burden, the mobsters get rid of him along with other evidence. <br> Will the mobsters get away with it? A message that crime does not pay comes In epilog, when we learn that the rest of the crooks were also caught. <br> PS: I particularly like Andy, and can get behind his cause for wanting to get the money, and break free from his oppressive wife, but as was the custom of yor, the big message to learn is to not turn to crime to achieve those goals. Andy learns the hard way not to play with fire. I also like the thugs. Sort of good natured in their ruthlessness. A creepy ending to Andy and at least our mobsters get what’s coming to them, even if we only learn of it in the brief epilog. <br>