CDC data is surprising

Peak Prosperity show

Summary: The CDC has released a gigantic romp through the Covid hospitalization and death data. Some fascinating things I did not expect have emerged. The bad news is that 8 comorbidities are highly correlated with worse outcomes and/or death. The good news is that a bunch of comorbidities seemed to not make things any worse, and might have even been slightly protective. Weird, right? The most glaring statistic is that of all the people who died of Covid, those with 0 (zero) comorbidities represented just 0.9% of the deaths. That observation alone leads to obvious public health advisories that we should be receiving (but are not). Links: Want to go deeper to explore possible vaccine complications? Follow us to an uncensored Part 2 here: Take a stand against censorship and medical nihilism! Become a free subscriber at Peak Prosperity here OR better yet, become a full paying member for only $7 for your first month here: Access to all of Chris’s content, live webinars twice a month, and much much more is available to our paying members.