Ep 72121: A Train Wreck...And Other Stuff (Brad's Pissed)

The Daily Mojo with Brad Staggs show

Summary: Some days, you eat the bear; some days the bear eats you. This episode is the latter. The FBI is a HUGE PROBLEM, Why are we in Somalia?, The Olympic Oyster Crisis, Vaccines, and masks, and covid - oh my!<br><br>Plus, Brandon Morse (RedState.com @TheBrandonMorse) stops by to talk porn stars and conservatives. <br><br>And it's #EarWormWednesday, so we'll be playing song that'll stick in your head like glue.<br><br>You can watch us live on Facebook (for now), Youtube, Mojo 5-0 TV, or listen live on Mojo 5-0 Radio on iHeartRadio or on our website at Mojo50.com.<br><br>#TheDailyMoJo #Mojo50 #WhatILearnedToday #ResistStupid #RealBradStaggs #RealRonPhillips