3 Minutes with Jesus with Bro Nwachinemelu  show

Summary: <p>Our Weekly devotion is The 7 deadly sins God hates and we are discussing the fifth sin which is feet that rush to do evil   God hates anyone who loves to plan evil against his fellow man. People enjoy planning evil and God distastes it. The supported verse is Isaiah  59 vs 7.     Bible Secrets is a weekly devotion that comes up every Monday to start your week with and inspire you all through the week God's raw word.     </p> <p>   Follow me on Instagram..<a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqbC1pZkctYWxUWW9tNXJGUnZnZUdmS2U0dlk5QXxBQ3Jtc0trcVZpVThxRU9BdFNNUURWa2ZEUWNqQ0RoSjc0dmdmUUFuNlpoSXg2V2loRlFuZGc1LUFlSW82NW5JTk5qd2dWdm4wem1NWHpWa2FITVphYklUQmFUMFYxdG9Bay1scFduN0ZtM0ZuWTdsQ0d5c3p1QQ&amp;" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>...   </p> <p><br></p> <p>Like our Facebook Page..<a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqbGpDQ1NVeDE2WGEwTEg4d2tORWw3Qk5fX3FzUXxBQ3Jtc0tuX1ZSbE55UGVaeFVleWJSNTdncDU5U1hhM0VnWUNGMFA3MXZGY1hsZFNWREJrZGxGRnBCa24tRTdsWmI5UW0yUmpOTTdOcno5TWktS0pFSHEzYlM2VnRnT2FhRFp6MnJtaXlqTkhXYWtKVE0yc2pYZw&amp;" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>... </p> <p><br></p> <p>  Listen to our Podcast on all Podcast platforms: 3 Minutes with Jesus. </p> <p><br></p> <p>   If you are blessed with this video.  </p> <p><br></p> <p> Please share and comment below.    </p> <p><br></p> <p><a href="">#bibledevotion</a> <a href="">#biblestudy</a> <a href="">#sin</a> <a href="">#bibleverse</a> <a href="">#dailydevotions</a> <a href="">#devotional</a> <a href="">#church</a> <a href="">#faith</a> <a href="">#godsword</a> <a href="">#jesus</a> <a href="">#bibleverses</a> <a href="">#christianity</a> <a href="">#god</a> <a href="">#dailydevotional</a> <a href="">#prayer</a> <a href="">#dailybibleverse</a> <a href="">#dailydevotion</a> <a href="">#biblescripture</a> <a href="">#christianquotes</a> <a href="">#dailybible</a> <a href="">#bibleversesdaily</a> <a href="">#scriptureoftheday</a> <a href="">#christianliving</a> <a href="">#devotion</a> <a href="">#wordofgod</a> <a href="">#wordfortoday</a> <a href="">#bibletalk</a> <a href="">#biblequotes</a> <a href="">#Jesuschrist</a> <a href="">#bhfyp</a></p>