Ep 71621: Reincarnation?, Mars Farts, Dusty Water Crisis, & Kal

The Daily Mojo with Brad Staggs show

Summary: A Friday show with a vast assortment of the unusual - we discuss the definition of 'misinformation' and why the Surgeon General of the United States is getting in that game. Plus, getting bitten on the genitals by a python isn't as fun as it sounds, is there life (again) after death?<br><br>Also, Kal (@Kal79) calls late to report on his Podcast of the Week.<br><br>You can watch us live on Facebook (for now), Youtube, Mojo 5-0 TV, or listen live on Mojo 5-0 Radio on iHeartRadio or on our website at Mojo50.com.<br><br>#TheDailyMoJo #Mojo50 #WhatILearnedToday #ResistStupid #RealBradStaggs #RealRonPhillips