DJ BIG STEW Global News (TDpel News WorLd News)Suspension, sentence for Bankrupt


Summary: Suspension, sentence for Bankrupt Devon builder who left victims living in mobile home you can read articles and many more @ linnks below  James Prentice, 41, from South Devon, was sentenced to 6 months imprisonment suspended for 2 years, ordered to carry out 150 hours of unpaid work and ordered to pay compensation of £4,500 to his victims. Exeter Crown Court heard Prentice was declared bankrupt in December 2014 and although he could continue working as a builder through his company, JSP Woodworx, the terms of his Bankruptcy Restrictions Undertaking (BRU) meant he could not take more than £500 as a deposit from clients without disclosing he was a bankrupt. Despite this, between June 2016 and January 2018, Prentice took more than £271,000 to build a retirement home on farmland in Taunton for his victims which he claimed was for his services and to supply goods needed for the project.