Viya Chen 專訪 Jerry Yen

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Summary: 創造一個鼓舞目標的工作文化 使用團隊的優勢來強化創業家精神:Jerry Yen 將分享《Pop Up Asia》如何創造鼓舞工作目的,將對創意的熱情轉換成為商業模式的願景和行動。 受訪者:顏瑋志 蓋洛普認證優勢教練,現職 Pop Up Asia 執行委員會主席與希嘉文化總經理,協助創作者發展品牌與商業模式,串聯亞洲創意平台與上千位文創業者,展開對話與交流,期許鼓勵更多人讓喜歡的事成為生活。 前5項優勢:行動、完美、策略、自信、統籌 主持人:陳薇雅 優勢觀點學院台灣和新加坡創辦人,Gallup 蓋洛普全球優勢教練課程區域代理,優勢立基的前瞻策略家,結合財星五百大企業高管實務經驗,透過中英文教練與培訓,協助個人與企業發揮優勢,創造遠景與策略行動、看見並實踐及志未來。 前5項優勢:前瞻、完美、策略、行動、交往 Create a Culture that Inspires Purpose Learn how to leverage the team's strengths to enhance entrepreneurship. Jerry Yan will share the "Pop Up Asia" story of creating a culture that inspires purpose for creators and designers. The works and plan of helping people can help them turn passion into profitable businesses. Jerry Yen Jerry is Gallup Global Strengths certified coach, founder and executive chairman of Pop Up Asia, which has been supporting thousands of creative professionals and entrepreneurs in brand creation and career development. His vision is to inspire more people to turn their passion into business and life. Top 5 Strengths: Activator, Maximizer, Strategic, Self-Confidence, Arranger Viya Chen Viya is the founder of StrengthsBusiness Taiwan and Singapore, Gallup Global Strengths certified coach and licensed partner, ICF PCC and Fortune 500 ex-executive. She is a futuristic strategist whose passion is in using Strengths based coaching to deliver positive impacts to corporates and individuals. Top 5 Strengths: Futuristic, Maximizer, Strategic, Relator, Activator Called to Coach 優勢播客,是蓋洛普 Gallup (透過YouTube) 的直播訪談,為優勢教練和有志參與優勢運動的夥伴們,提供一個能與優勢立基卓越教練們互動的機會。 Called to Coach is a Gallup Webcast (via YouTube) that allows current and prospective coaches to interact with strengths coaches who have found success in strengths-based development.