Viya Chen 專訪 Sara Tsai

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Summary: 創造一個鼓舞團隊的優勢文化:命名、主張、追求 優勢教練 Sara 將分享如何使用透過全球優勢認證教練的命名、主張、追求三步驟教練流程,洞察並鍛鍊經理人的天賦,透過個人發展計畫發展團隊成功方程式,打造以優勢立基的幸福企業文化。 受訪者:蔡佩靜 前5項優勢:戰略、成就、理念、前瞻、學習 美國蓋洛普全球認證優勢教練,愛賦真粹 LSTP 創辦人、前摩根大通集團 J.P.Morgan 資產管理行銷策略副總、4A麥肯廣告業務策略總監,擁有20年以上跨產業、品牌行銷專業資歷及百位以上優勢教練經驗,協助個人與企業實踐運用天賦,打造專屬的成功方程式! 主持人:陳薇雅 前5項優勢:前瞻、完美、策略、行動、交往 優勢觀點學院台灣和新加坡創辦人,Gallup 蓋洛普全球優勢教練課程華文區域代理,優勢立基的前瞻策略家,結合財星五百大企業高管實務經驗,透過中英文教練與培訓,協助個人與企業發揮優勢,創造遠景與策略行動、看見並實踐及志未來。 Date: 29th June, 2021 Tuesday 12:00-12:30pm Singapore Time Create a Culture that Inspires: Name, Aim, Claim Strengths Learn how to building a strengths-based culture in your organization through Gallup's Name it, Claim it, Aim it module that is taught in the Gallup Global Strengths Coaching Course. Sara brings helpful insights on the IDP individual development plan to develop employee's strengths and apply them in the workplace for improving corporate wellbeing. Guest: Sara Tsai Strategic, Achiever, Ideation, Futuristic, Learner Gallup certified Strengths Coach in Taiwan, the founder of LSTP Co, Ltd, former marketing VP at J.P. Morgan, Account Director of 4A’s McCann Erickson advertising, with more than 20 years multi-industries marketing and branding experience. Helped more than 100 individuals (including corporate training attendees) apply talents to build their own formula for success. Viya Chen Top 5 Strengths: Futuristic, Maximizer, Strategic, Relator, Activator Viya is the founder of StrengthsBusiness Taiwan and Singapore, Gallup Global Strengths certified coach and licensed partner, ICF PCC and Fortune 500 ex-executive. She is a futuristic strategist whose passion is in using Strengths based coaching to deliver positive impacts to corporates and individuals. Called to Coach 優勢播客,是蓋洛普 Gallup (透過YouTube) 的直播訪談,為優勢教練和有志參與優勢運動的夥伴們,提供一個能與優勢立基卓越教練們互動的機會。 Called to Coach is a Gallup Webcast (via YouTube) that allows current and prospective coaches to interact with strengths coaches who have found success in strengths-based development.