Spider-Man “Beyond” Reaction

Amazing Spider-Talk: A Spider-Man Podcast show

Summary: A brand new age of Amazing Spider-Man is on the horizon!<br> No, that’s not a veiled reference to Horizon Labs… but to the Beyond Corporation. That’s because this week we got our first preview of what would be happening to Amazing Spider-Man after Nick Spencer leaves the title in a few weeks. Dubbed “Spider-Man Beyond”, this new story will be helmed by writers Zeb Wells, Kelly Thompson, Saladin Ahmed, Cody Ziglar and Patrick Gleason and feature Ben Reilly back under the mask as New York’s new Spider-Man. Additionally, it seems that Peter might be sidelined, with his life placed on the line!<br> In this episode, Dan and Mark discuss this news, their anticipation for the title, and their thoughts on the new creative team.<br> This episode was edited by Rick Coste, with production support from Andy Myers. Our artwork comes handcrafted by artists Ron Frenz, Sal Buscema, and Ray Sumser. Our theme songs were produced by Ryland Bojack and Spider-Maj. Our animated introduction to the show is by Josh Sutton of <a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFZHvUVELqH56dJiMLhD9qg">Panels to Pixels</a>.<br> Watch the show live on YouTube, Sundays at 8:30 PM EST:<br> <a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOPCnjzQZNViyEnoOuckaVQ">https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOPCnjzQZNViyEnoOuckaVQ</a><br> We also would love to see you become a part of our Amazing Spider-Slack community board. If you’d like to join in on our amazing conversations, click this link to get started:<br> <a href="https://join.slack.com/t/amazingspider/shared_invite/zt-42tsfhs2-yBaH6KkRmOWiW_8gCf9SmQ">https://join.slack.com/t/amazingspider/shared_invite/zt-42tsfhs2-yBaH6KkRmOWiW_8gCf9SmQ</a><br> This week’s Patreon podcasts include a discussion of Giant-Size Amazing Spider-Man: Chameleon Conspiracy #1. If you’d like to follow along with our reviews as they are released, please check out our Patreon page:<br> <a href="https://www.patreon.com/superiorspidertalk">https://www.patreon.com/superiorspidertalk</a><br> You can email questions to our show at amazingspidertalk@gmail.com or <a href="https://amazingspidertalk.com/contact/">by clicking here</a>. You can also call our voicemail hotline by leaving us a message at 9-RED-GOBLIN!<br> You can also <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Things-Spider-Man-Fans-Should-Before/dp/1629374024">BUY MARK’S BOOK</a>, 100 Things Spider-Man Fans Should Know &amp; Do Before They Die.<br>