Deep Dive – Round 22

EM Clerkship show

Summary: <br> Neonatal Resuscitation<br> <br> <br> <br> *THIS IS A BASIC FRAMEWORK AND IS NOT COMPREHENSIVE*<br> <br> <br> <br> * EVALUATE* Is the newborn crying/breathing spontaneously? Does the newborn have good tone? Is the newborn a term infant?* If YES, hand baby to mom for direct skin-to-skin.* If NO, proceed to step 2.* INTERVENE* STIMULATE – dry vigorously* WARM – place cap on head, place in warmer* OPEN AIRWAY – sniffing position, oral/nasal airway, suction if necessary* ASSESS HR (manually)* If HR&gt;100, continue above interventions and move to PPV if not improving/if pulse ox low* If HR 60-100, attach to telemetry and pulse oximetry and begin PPV with room air at a rate of 60.* If HR&lt;60, this is a CODE situation. Chest compressions and ventilations in a 3:1 ratio (“one and two and three and breath”), use PPV with 100% FiO2. Obtain access via UC or IO line, and intubate. Use epinephrine / fluid bolus if no improvement in 60 seconds. Check glucose, supplement with dextrose if necessary. <br> <br> <br> <br> PEARL: At one minute of life, we expect an SpO2 of 60%.  Every minute afterwards, we expect the SpO2 to increase by 5%, so by 5 minutes of life it should be around 80%.  <br> <br> <br> <br> <a href="">Neonatal Resuscitation – Emergency Medicine Cases</a><br>