Eclipse Energy Portals - Part 2

Intuitive Astrology  with Molly McCord show

Summary: The Gemini Solar Eclipse opens up new energies in our mental programming as blasts of higher light and neutrinos from the Sun awakening more of who we are and what we know at a soul level. These openings are portals into new potentials, pathways, and solutions that we can now access and feel into, especially as Neptune in Pisces influences our spiritual growth at the same time. Much more to share in this podcast episode.   The Galactic Center ~ Sign up here to access the free online platform with channeled messages:   ~~ June 2021 Soul Growth Astrology Webinars- Discover the main astrology and energy themes in 4 webinars, including the Gemini Solar Eclipse, Capricorn Full Moon and transiting Jupiter in Pisces energies. Use code GEMINI at checkout to get it for $11 USD.   .