Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of June 16 to 23

Intuitive Astrology  with Molly McCord show

Summary: The middle of June transitions us from Gemini into Cancer solar rays on the Solstice, the same day as Jupiter stations retrograde at 2 degrees Pisces. The Cancer energies bring us into our emotional truth and trusting what we need at the heart level. Mercury stations direct on June 22 at 16 degrees Gemini, and now it will be easier to speak your truth and say what has been on your mind from a place of power and confidence. There will be opportunities to express what you need and want from a place that rejects others’ projections, expectations, and ‘shoulds’ of your life – yes, it is that big! Much more to share in this podcast episode.   2021 Soul Growth Astrology Webinars ~ The major astrology of 2021 in 6 individual webinars and how it will show up in your natal chart, including the specifics on the Saturn square Uranus energies for you. Check it out: https://www.mollymccord.online/the-astrology-of-2021-webinars   See you on IG! https://www.instagram.com/moxiemolly11   .