Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of June 30 to July 7

Intuitive Astrology  with Molly McCord show

Summary: The Sun in Cancer continues to open up our ability to trust ourselves, and to kindly comfort our Inner Child by being the loving parent or energy that was missing earlier in your life. Powerful emotional messages may be arising for you to love and accept now. A wild week is underway as Mars and Venus in Leo begin to interact with Saturn RX, Chiron, and Uranus from July 1 to July 8 as we build up to the Cancer New Moon on July 9. You will have opportunities to stand in your power and confidence as more of what you want becomes clearer. Mercury in Gemini has a final square to Neptune in Pisces for the 3rd time, and then exits retrograde shadow on July 7. Much more to share in this week's show.    ~~ July 2021 Soul Growth Astrology Webinars- Discover the main astrology and energy themes in 4 webinars, including the Cancer New Moon, Aquarius Full Moon, and transiting Jupiter in Pisces energies. Use code JULY at checkout to get it for $11 USD. https://www.mollymccord.online/monthly-astrology-webinars   ~~ NEW! How To Read Your Solar Return Chart – Discover the main astrology themes and energies on your birthday as Molly teaches you how to interpret your solar return chart over 8 online courses. Use code BIRTHDAY to get it for 50% off now! https://www.mollymccord.online/solar-return-course     .