Revelations Radio Network show

Summary: Canary Cry News Talk 350 - 06.14.2021 - GEE SWEVEN SLUM IT: 6uild 6ack 6etter, Trump Trillions, Dark Transhumanism   Our LINK TREE:  SUBSCRIBE TO US ON:  PAYPAL:    INTRO 0:02:13  -Gonz watching Sweet Tooth    FLIPPY 0:08:10  -McDonalds to test AI-powered drive thru (Robot News)    POLYTICK 0:21:53  -Trump says China owes reparations, $10 trillion not enough! (Newsweek)  -Outside G7 Red rituals outside G7, and Beach Protest (Clip)  -Inside G7 (Headlines/Pics and clips from CNN)  -Boris Johnson on build back better ramble (Clip) -Joe at G7 talks about Libya and Syria and Russia… (Clip) -Joe Biden announces $40 trillion plan at G7 (Breitbart)  -Florida bans teaching critical race theory (CNN)  -Bird names are racist (CNN) -Reporter who broke Clinton-Lynch Tarmac story, found dead (ZeroHedge)  -Bebe is OUT!  (NY Times)    BREAK (producer party) 1:40:40    WACCINE/PANDEMIC SPECIAL 2:17:50  -Biden at G7 on what Virus is (Clip)  -Unvaccinated Students “marked” and tracked for Prom (DailyMail)  -How to hold onto new freedoms as CA reopens? (LA Times)  -Moderna to run HIV and Flu jab phase 1 Trials this year (Biopharma Reporter)    TRANSHUMANISM 2:47:00  -The dark side of seeking eternal life with technology (Washington Times)    ADDITIONAL STORIES -Lady claims certain industries preparing for massive employment replacement due to jab (Clip) -Youth suicide increased 31% during Covid (Fox) -Woman who filmed George Floyd murder on phone wins Pulitzer (19th) -US $150 million additional aid to Ukraine (RT) -BTS, K-pop hand picked McDonalds nuggets causes chaos (Inside Edition) -Experts, How realistic are video game Mecha? (Wired) -Pandemic minted at least Nine new billionaires (DailyMail)   PRODUCERS FOR ep.350 (3) *James H* (2) Aaron J an old boomer in AZ Igorious Christopher R (19)Sir Casey Teresa A (5)Kimberly W (8)Tristan H ReverieDecoded (12)Scott K Amanda K Jessica J Linda B Anonymous Litecoin Producer   ART: Allie Dove Mr.Jag Hungry Hungarian ChristineC Josiah   Meet up: Contact