DOCTOR FUTURE! Jesus vs. The Spiritual Industrial Complex - CCR 153

Revelations Radio Network show

Summary: Basil and Gonz are taking a day off, but here's a brand new interview with Doctor Future from Canary Cry Radio, episode 153! If you're a follower of Jesus and you identify with either side of the political aisle, prepare to be triggered!  Jesus vs The Spiritual Industrial Complex w/ Dr. Future - 153 Why do many American Christians Today Oppose the Values of Jesus? As we come off of another annual celebration of the "land of the free," a highly politicized culture has drawn otherwise genuine followers of Jesus Christ to be more concerned about making the "correct" political point on any given issue, rather than that of what Jesus teaches us in the Gospels. This reality is uncomfortable at times, but in Matthew 10:34, Jesus stated that He came not to bring peace, but a sword. This sword would divide those who genuinely followed the teachings of Christ, and those who gave it lip service. In the book, Two Masters and Two Gospels, Volume 1: The Teaching of Jesus Vs. the "Leaven of the Pharisees" in Talk Radio and Cable News, our long time friend J. Michael Bennett (Doctor Future) gets into the history, mechanisms, and psychological warfare that has been waged on believers in America. Along the way, Doctor Future connects many dots to present his case. From Truman's Psychological Strategy Board (PSB) comprising the CIA and DOD, to Billy Graham and G.K. Chesterton's opposing roles in exposing the apparatus, the rich history of troubling details answers how and why we are in this highly politicized chaos we find ourselves in today. CLICK HERE TO PICK UP 'TWO MASTERS and TWO GOSPELS, Vol. 1 HERE CLICK HERE TO CHECK OUT DOCTOR FUTURE'S BLOG, TWO SPIES REPORT Our LINK TREE: CanaryCry.Party SUBSCRIBE TO US ON: PAYPAL: