Revelations Radio Network show

Summary: Canary Cry News Talk 360 - 07.09.2021 - LAMB DA BEAST VARIANT: Trump Sues Big Tech, Biden v Monopolies, Great Privacy Reset, Young Transhuman  Our LINK TREE: CanaryCry.Party SUBSCRIBE TO US ON: PAYPAL:   INTRO 2:23 FLIPPY 14:54 -Skyborg AI first test flight of Avenger, success (Illinois News Today) WACCINE/PANDEMIC SPECIAL 20:05 -New Heineken commercial (Screenshot) -Lambda variant is spreading! (Quartz) -No jab, no job in Fiji (France 24) POLYTICK 39:15 -Trump sues big tech, op-ed in WSJ (WSJ) -Biden launches assault on monopolies (Politico) GREAT RESET 1:11:41 -Beyond Meat introduces meatless chicken tenders (Bloomberg) -The Great Privacy Reset will change advertising forever (Adage) -7 days campaign to resist the Great Reset (Nigerian Voice) TRANSHUMAN 1:49:05 -11 year old with physics degree wants to pursue Immortality (Futurism) BREAK (producer party) 1:54:30 SATANIST 3:01:56 -Satanic Temple has own chef, blasphemy while he cooks (Fodor’s Travel) -Maryland, first symbolic satanic monument on public property (ReleaseWire) SPACE POPE REPTILIAN 3:19:15 -Pope gets scan after fever and colon removal surgery (Catholic Telegraph) ALIENS &amp; UFOs 3:26:21 -Most Americans believe in aliens, new study (NY Post)   CHINESE NEWS/SPACE 3:37:29 -China unveils plans for fleet of rockets to target Asteroid (DailyMail)   ADDITIONAL STORIES -VISIMO to build deep fake detector via Air Force (PRNewswire) -Astronauts use CRISPR in space, results (Market.US) -Cyborg dystopian performance called System_Error is creepy (Sydney, Website) -Carbon Fire brain implant shows promise (MedicalXpress) -REvil Kaseya ransomware shut down Maryland (Wapo) -Cybersecurity experts “Barely able to keep up” with ransomware (NBC) -Zoo animals getting jab in Wisconsin, San Diego, Oakland, Denver (CNN+) -Ransomware tracker shows how much cyber crime on the rise (Gizmodo) -New brain for autonomous cars, matches human brain (AutoCarIndia) -Paris pizzaria using Flippy! (Rep. World) -Giant digital cat melting hearts in Tokyo (NY Times)   PRODUCERS ep. 360 Joshua E** Igor K** Arnold W* LittleWinged1 Cherie H Ismael S Ely P Aaron J Sir Casey, the Shield Knight James H Scott K Tristan H Kim W PatreonAccountOfTheYear   BIRTHDAY: Addison   <span class=" author-d-iz88z86z86za0dz67zz78zz78zz74zz68zjz80zz71z9iz90z9oz85zz79z"></span>