What Brings Us to Our Knees? Part 1

Insight for Living Canada Daily Broadcast show

Summary: <a href="/library/all/scripture/matthew?field_scripture_chapter_start=14" title="Discover more resources on Matthew 14">Matthew 14:22-33</a> / <span class="date-display-start">July 6</span>-<span class="date-display-end">7, 2021</span> <p>Let’s dive into the scene of Matthew 14:22–33 with Pastor Chuck Swindoll and allow this perfect picture of discipleship to fuel our faith as we set our eyes on our Lord who is worthy of all our trust and worship.</p> <p>From the Series: The King's Ministry: A Study of Matthew 14-20</p> <p><a href="https://www.insightforliving.ca/broadcast/matthew/TKMSMD03?utm_medium=rss">read more</a></p>