The Exhausting Politics Of Overworking

The Brave Yes show

Summary: Women are utterly exhausted. And, if what I believe is true — that women have been languishing for years — it’s worth it to dive into the political — small p political — traps that have led to the feeling that women cannot seem to do anything to get ahead. This series will go under the hood of the everyday political structures that my clients — and myself — have experienced that keep women feeling trapped and stuck in exhaustion and in being unable to make as much progress as they wish they could. The goal is to highlight some of these power structures and start to lean in to change them for yourself and for others. KEY SUMMARY POINTS Work is in this article is defined as anything that is not pleasure or joy. Breaking down the many layered baggage of work ethic is often a part of the coaching work I do with my high achiever clients who lean toward perfectionism and people pleasing. The tethered relationship we have with technology has played a role in our overwork that leads to extreme exhaustion. Capitalism is another part of the power structure to which we feel tied to this constant state of work. Overworking is actually causing deaths. Surprising new studies show that people who work more than 54 hours a week are at serious risk of dying from overwork. Are you trapped in Toxic Productivity mode? This is a constant state of needing to improve yourself or your life and not ever feeling satiated by those attempts. 3 ways to fight back against overworking and toxic productivity. A fun yet powerful action to take TODAY to help bring ease to all.