Spencer Coursen Talks new book THE SAFETY TRAP

I Am Refocused Radio show

Summary: ABOUT SPENCER COURSEN AND THE SAFETY TRAP<br><br>We are never in danger more than when we feel safe.<br><br>"The Safety Trap is a benchmark safety and security reference for everyone! Like all great U.S. Army Rangers, he is leading the way with deliberate passion and experience." -Clint Emerson, retired Navy SEAL, #1New York Times bestselling author of 100 Deadly Skills, and the founder of Escape the Wolf, LLC, which focuses on crisis management for global companies.<br><br>Spencer Coursen is one of the world's top experts in threat management. He has developed and led security plans for numerous major celebrities, sports stars, and corporate executives. His most important lesson for everyone to retain, regardless of your status, is this: you are never more in danger than in those moments when you feel you are safest. That is the root of his new book,THE SAFETY TRAP: A Security Expert's Secrets for Staying Safe in a Dangerous World (St. Martin's Publishing Group; on sale May 18, 2021; $28.99).<br><br>What is a safety "trap?" It's a false sense of security that occurs when fear has abated but risk remains. The world we live in has never been more dangerous and our well-being more precarious. This is the book to walk everyone through the necessary steps to protect themselves, their loved ones, and colleagues, by being aware of realistic risks - and more importantly - being prepared for them. Don't take anything for granted or let your guard down. In other words, to be safe don't feel safe.<br><br>What happens to the athlete or celebrity when they stir up a media frenzy? The boundaries of family, friends and the work place then become blurred and rumors ran rampant. The celeb must verify those around them as well as trust others. For a politician, one of the worst things they can hear is "I used to be your biggest fan." More than just words, the politician needs to see if that is a threat versus just an expressed opinion. For those in international diplomacy, they often work in foreign lands with non-permissive environments. If things go badly, the diplomat has to surround themselves with proactive intelligence.<br><br>Get the Book: <a href="https://www.thesafetytrap.com/" rel="noopener">https://www.thesafetytrap.com/</a><br><br><br>Coursen lays out numerous steps every one of us should take and be aware of, including:<br><br>. Do you have a family readiness plan?<br><br>. Are you skilled in CPR/first aid?<br><br>. Have you taken a firearms familiarization course?<br><br>. Google yourself - you might be VERY surprised at what you find<br><br>. Do you take different routes home from work/school/errands?<br><br>. Do you have a safety plan at home for when you're alone?<br><br>. Do you know the difference between a "travel alert" and a "travel warning?"<br><br>. Do you regularly check the tire pressure in your car's spare tire?<br><br>. What are you doing to reduce risk of violence to yourself?<br><br>. Do you create dual authentication on all your electronic devices and accounts?<br><br>The lessons throughout THE SAFETY TRAP will provide everyone from all walks of life with the necessary survival strategies and tactics needed to live in this hostile world. You don't have to be a "name," or a celebrity/athlete/global business leader to find yourself in a frightening situation, but you do have to be prepared to protect yourself and be safe.<br><br>ABOUT SPENCER COURSEN<br><br>Spencer Coursen is a nationally recognized threat management expert. He has an exceptional record of success in the assessment, management, and resolution of threats. His expertise has made him a go-to for organizations needing help in conflict resolution, as well as employee termination, physical security assessment, expert witness testimony, policy authorship, protective intelligence, and vulnerability reduction. He is the founder of Coursen Security Group (CSG), a premiere...