Comedian Jon Reep (Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay)

The Good, The Bad, and The Sequel show

Summary: <p>Next week's sequel is "Harold &amp; Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay" and this week we are talking to comedian Jon Reep. You know Jon from winning the 5th season of "Last Comic Standing", his most recent comedy special "Gingerbeard Man" (which is available on Amazon Prime), his acting roles, but everyone who watched TV in the mid-2000s knows him from the "That Thing Got A Hemi" Dodge Commercials. Jon talked about how he started in comedy, his hometown of Hickory, NC, starting to act, his new podcast "Country-ish", and lots more. I have a blast with all the interviews we do, but I really love talking to comedians. Great chat</p> <p>Jon's Podcast "Country-ish" link</p> <p>Jon's IMDb</p> <p>Next week we are discussing "Harold &amp; Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay", which is on Hulu</p> <p>Follow us on all social media @sequelsonly and our website is Review, rate, and share us</p>