Virginia Asks: Why Does a Certain Type of Book Titles Become Highly Popular?

In the Author's Corner with Etienne show

Summary: Due to technical difficulties pn the inital schedule on May 2,2021, we invite you to join us Sunday, May 9, at 5:00 pm AST/EST when our highly qualified Translator, Virginia Castro, will talk about the translation of a certain type of texts that has become highly popular in the last decades. This book industry is an $800 million market that’s growing 6% per year. This popularity can be observed not only in particular locations, but we can say that this genre has become a real global trend. In case our listeners cannot figure out which kind of texts is this to which you are referring we’ll  refer the kind of text. You often read this kind of books.  A great group of authors and specialists, mainly psychologists and anthropologists, started to dedicate a great deal of their time to trying to understand the human mind and the behavior of individuals. In this genre we will discuss the titles that are of major importance and generally fall into three categories. You don’t want to miss presentation my parter and highly qualified as a translation in English and Spanish. Chick here to reach Virginia's website. US Air Times: 5:00 pm AST, 5:00 pm EST, 4:00 pm CST, 3:00 pm MST, and 2:00 pm PST. Click for your International Time Zones.