Kathie Fischer: SESSHIN: The Perfection of Wisdom & Dedication (Part 6 of 6)

Upaya Zen Center's Dharma Podcast show

Summary: In the final Dharma Talk of the Spring Practice Period, and Sesshin, Sensei Kathie Fischer speaks on the last two chapters of the Bodhicaryavatara: Wisdom and Dedication. Sensei brings up notions of beginner’s mind, interdependent co-arising, and buddha-nature. She ends with Dedication and requests we write our own verses of inspiration and benefit for others.  Our pain and grief are windows in finding others, exchanging ourselves with others, and ultimately, forgetting ourselves.<br> <br> This SESSHIN is part of the Spring Practice Period 2021.<br> For Program/Series description and to access the entire series, please click on the link below:<br> <a title="Upaya Podcast Series: Spring Practice Period 2021: The Way of the Bodhisattva" href="https://www.upaya.org/2021/05/upaya-podcast-series-spp-2021-way-bodhisattva/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Upaya Podcast Series: Spring Practice Period 2021: The Way of the Bodhisattva</a><br>