The Friendship Table (Episode 6) with Bobbie Houston & Friends

Bobbie Houston Podcast show

Summary: <p>Join Bobbie Houston &amp; Friends for Sisterhood “The Friendship Table”. In this sixth episode (recorded on 15th April 2021), Bobbie is joined by Donna Crouch, Bec Wood and Fadzi Whande. This is part 2 of “age and all that stuff” (including diversity and inclusion).  Donna encourages us to embrace aging and to see it as a privilege.  Fadzi shares some of her personal story and the importance of having grace and committing to the journey.</p> <p>“Commit to having a journey that walks alongside people.  See people and see God in them - that’s what we’re called to do.” Fadzi</p> <p>“We need grace to listen, grace to change, grace to forgive, grace to listen, grace to move on.” Bobbie</p> <p>There’s nothing like gathering around the table with friends and you have a place here at our table. You’re invited to join us every Thursday LIVE 10am AEST on <a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqbjg2N3pmT3hRUzRhQ2UwMGF0Uzg2dzBuc3lFd3xBQ3Jtc0ttZHRtVlk3a2FWUU1ocXREdkxlSjZLTndZWS1ocHFwb3BPZ0hYMG02MS0xejNleVlGUHR4OXdDZnRsX3h3TnNReldxYzU2VTdxT1o5WlBOOUVoVXYyMDE5LWFGRzJZUTJFSFowdVI0U2xpcGV1X3lSSQ&amp;" target="_blank"></a>​ or catch up on demand at <a href=""></a></p> <p>____</p> <p>If you made a decision, please visit <a href=""></a></p> <p>If you are in need of help or would like to chat to a Pastor, please visit <a href=""></a></p> <p>You can still enjoy Colour Conference 2021 Online on demand until 31st May. Visit <a href=""></a> to register.</p> <p>____</p> <p>Connect with @BobbieHouston and the @ColourSisterhood on Instagram and Facebook.</p>