Primary Care Perspectives: The Addiction Inoculation: A Discussion with Author Jessica Lahey About Preventing Drug and Alcohol Problems in Kids - Episode 100

Primary Care Perspectives: Podcast for Pediatricians show

Summary: In celebration of the 100th episode of the Primary Care Perspectives podcast, Dr. Katie Lockwood welcomes a special guest, author Jessica Lahey, to discuss her most recent book, “The Addiction Inoculation: Raising Healthy Kids in a Culture of Dependence.” Lahey, whose perspective is informed by her own recovery from alcohol addiction and her experiences as a writing teacher and parent, writes for The New York Times and The Washington Post and is the author of the bestseller “The Gift of Failure: How the Best Parents Learn How to Let Go So Their Kids Can Succeed,” from 2015. Here she shares insight on topics including: countering myths about drinking and drugs (such as “everyone does it”); the gateway hypothesis; how pediatricians can be an ally for parents and teenagers in decision-making around alcohol and drugs; the AAP guidelines for substance abuse in youth; tips for effective discussions with teenagers; and more.