S2 E19. Why does wind blow? Why do the clocks go forwards and backwards? Why do bees make honey? Ft special guest expert Kate Martin from The National Trust.

Everything Under The Sun show

Summary: In this week's show we answer questions from Arlo, Grace, Georgie, Scarlett, Grace and Poppy with help from special guest expert Kate Martin who looks after beautiful places for The National Trust.  Kate looks after National Trust land and nature in Formby in Liverpool including red squirrels, natterjack toads and miles of sandy beaches and sand dunes. It gets pretty windy where she works so she knows the answer to your questions about wind! She tells us all about why and how wind blows and how it works a bit like when you sit on a lilo and the air under your bottom moves to another part of the lilo. Next up we find out why the clocks in England go forwards in Spring and back in Winter, we discover who came up with the idea and how it was introduced into England.  Thirdly we discuss bees and why they make honey to feed themselves in the winter as well as how they make this incredible stuff!  Check out Mel Kids here and try a subscription using the code SUN: https://melscience.com/GB-en/kids/sets/ If you're wondering 'Why a Subscription?', well guess what - we asked an expert and this is what they said: 'Subscriptions encourage spaced repetition which is critical for learning. A 1-time science box if fun, but it won't change a child's mindset or behaviour. For that we need to develop a habit of doing science on a regular basis. This is the real benefit of a MEL Science subscription, a regular hands-on kit, well explained, with interesting extra investigations and visualisations around it to develop scientific thinking. Over 9-12 months, kid's brains develop the confidence to inspect their world scientifically. How to think like a scientist and apply the scientific method is the core skill we are trying to develop.' Social media: Instagram: @everythingunderthesunpod Twitter: @everythinguts Facebook: @everythingunderthesunbyMollyOldfield Website: www.everythingunderthesun.co.uk Find out how to submit an answer on our website. Molly Oldfield studied History at Oxford before becoming a QI elf, writing and researching questions for the BBC quiz show for twelve years. She has written three books. They are The Secret Museum, a book about all the things that are in museums that rarely, if ever, go on display; Wonders of the World’s Museums filled with things you can see, and Natural Wonders of the World about all kinds of creatures and places on our beautiful planet we call home.  This podcast will also be published as Everything Under the Sun – A Year of Curious Questions in September 2021 by Ladybird at Penguin Random House.  Kate Martin on twitter: @NTFormby https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk With thanks to Tyler Simmons Dale, Ash Gardner, The National Trust.   <br><hr><p style="color: grey;">See <a style="color: grey;" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://acast.com/privacy">acast.com/privacy</a> for privacy and opt-out information.</p>