For Jessica Marie Baumgartner, It's ”Adventure First, Then Write!”

In the Author's Corner with Etienne show

Summary: When not running around exploring nature, Jess chases after multiple versions of herself & feeds furry babies. She’s also the author of the highly anticipated upcoming release, The Magic of Nature, as well as, Walk Your Path, The Golden Rule, and many more. Her writing has won numerous awards. She’s a current member of the Missouri Writer's Guild & SCBWI. She works mostly with children's stories & non-fiction, but a little spec fic. As a dyslectic Pagan, Jess loves all types of people, enjoys writing about spiritual issues, & the fun of a brain that works differently. Publications that have featured Jess's work: Evie Magazine, Father and I, Woods Reader, Witch Way Magazine, Light of Consciousness Magazine, Breastfeeding Today, New Spirit Journal, Alban Lake Publishing, Witchology Magazine, LitReactor, Buddy Lit Zine, The St. Louis Post Dispatch, Kids Imagination Train Magazine, Mothers Always Write, It's Alive: Bringing Your Nightmares to Life, Fantastic Tales of Terror: History's Darkest Secrets, The RAC Magazine, Bards & Sages, Aurora Wolf,  Guardian Angel Kids Ezine, The Society of Misfit Stories, FrostFire Worlds, Chicken Soup for the Soul: Inspiration for Teachers, Outposts of Beyond, Everyday Fiction, The Lorelei Signal, Circle Magazine, Yellow Mama, Bewildering Stories, Spirit One Magazine, Fiction on the Web, Jitter Press, Down in the Dirt Magazine, Beyond Imagination Literary Magazine, Postcard Shorts, and Quantum Muse, and The St. Louis Examiner (where she used to be a staff member).