Starseeds and Lightworkers ~ Healing Age of Pisces Energies ~ Part 1

Intuitive Astrology  with Molly McCord show

Summary: The past decade or so has been exceptionally intense with healing, release, grief, surrender, and confusion as millions of people are unravelling energies from numerous lifetimes, which is connected to the Age of Pisces themes. I was shown that we are undoing very deep programming and parts of ourselves while simultaneously growing and expanding into the Age of Aquarius energies. The focus on healing Age of Pisces themes started strongly in 2003 with moving Uranus into Pisces; then Neptune and Chiron in Pisces in 2010; followed by Jupiter in Pisces in 2021 to 2022; and then Saturn in Pisces from 2023 until 2026. It can feel like a lot at times, to take two steps forward and one step back, but this work and time will pay off as we see the bigger picture of it all and why the healing themes are right on time. More to share in this podcast episode.   2021 Soul Growth Astrology Webinars ~ The major astrology of 2021 in 6 individual webinars and how it will show up in your natal chart, including the specifics on the Saturn square Uranus energies for you. Check it out:   Latest astrology courses and programs, plus business development support and resources for healers, spiritual experts, authors, guides, and solopreneurs:   .