2020–21 Elections in the Horn and East Africa - Part 1

Rift Valley Institute show

Summary: On 30 March 2021, the Rift Valley Forum, in collaboration with Heinrich Boll Foundation and The Elephant, brought together experts from the region to discuss lessons from the 2020 elections in Uganda and Tanzania and prospects for successful elections in Somalia and Ethiopia in 2021. The discussion highlighted how these countries tend to mirror each other in numerous ways, with cyclical and an often slow pace of reforms in electoral justice as a predominant issue. Moderator Patrick Gathara Journalist, The Elephant Discussants Fatma Karume Former President, Tanganyika Law Society Omar Mahmood Senior Analyst, Somalia, International Crisis Group Adem Abebe Programme Officer, Elections and Constitutional Governance, Ethiopia and Africa, International IDEA Kalundi Serumanga Journalist, Filmmaker and Cultural Activist