グレアム・グリーン「失われた幼年時代」 Graham Greene - The Lost Childhood (JP trans)

Japanese Classical Literature Audiobooks show

Summary: Graham Greene says, human nature is not black and white but black and grey....His writings are not in the public domain including this read Japanese translation. However, this is so enchanting that I could not help sharing with you. I’ll pull this post after a couple of months from here but would leave it at my Patreon site for my small cercle / private use. This recording was made possible by the support at Patreon - the literature club, 南風舎 ( Nanpusya ).  この朗読は私の文学クラブ・南風舎での支援により可能となりました。ここに感謝します。まだ著作権のある作品なので、後日この投稿はデリートします。悪しからず… Text from Japanese translation : グレアム・グリーン全集〈21〉神・人・悪魔 八十のエッセイ 単行本 – 1987/4/18 グレアム グリーン (著), 前川 祐一 (翻訳)