Virginia Asks What Happens When Readers Are Children?

In the Author's Corner with Etienne show

Summary: Join us with Virginia Castro, our English-Spanish translator, presents “What Happens When Readers Are Children?”. For the benefit of Spanish-speaking children, parents, and adult authors who might consider translating their book(s) during each episode in Spanish. In our  previous episode we discussed how translators try to understand the author’s mind in order to produce a faithful translation. But, being in the middle of the communicative event, shouldn’t we pay the same attention to understanding the readers’ mind as well?  AboutourTranslator: Virginia, a literary translator along with her colleagues, is trained to perceive all the semantic load of the words chosen by the author. They struggle to find the best equivalent to use in the translated version. They struggle to find the best equivalent to use in the translated version. A keen English-to-Spanish translator, Virginia graduated from the National University of Cordoba, Argentina. For 5 years, she has worked as a freelance translator in a variety of fields, such as journalism, literature, & entertainment. Throughout her professional career, she has learned that each client is unique &  goes to her with specific needs & expectations. Therefore, Virginia puts special emphasis on fluent communication to detect those expectations & to be able to offer them the exact product they had in mind. Chick here to reach Virginia. USA Air Times: 5:00 pm AST, 5:00 pm EST, 4:00 pm CST, 3:00 pm MST, and 2:00 pm PST. Click for International Time Zones.