Sunday, March 28, 2021

Daily Hukamnama from Harimandir Sahib (Amritsar) show

Summary: SORAT’H, FIFTH MEHL: Children, spouses, men and women in one’s household, are all bound by Maya. At the very last moment, none of them shall stand by you; their love is totally false. || 1 || O man, why do you pamper your body so? It shall disperse like a cloud of smoke; vibrate upon the One, the Beloved Lord. || Pause || There are three ways in which the body can be consumed — it can be thrown into water, given to the dogs, or cremated to ashes. He considers himself to be immortal; he sits in his home, and forgets the Lord, the Cause of causes. || 2 || In various ways, the Lord has fashioned the beads, and strung them on a slender thread. The thread shall break, O wretched man, and then, you shall repent and regret. || 3 || He created you, and after creating you, He adorned you — meditate on Him day and night. God has showered His Mercy upon servant Nanak; I hold tight to the Support of the True Guru. || 4 || 4|| Hukamnama from