Lum and Abner – Women Back On Abner’s Side. 460226

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Abner’s campaign to run for mayor has had set backs and is looking pretty bleak. He discusses the campaign promises that are stacked against him, and how Lizabeth’s speeches turned against him. When a call for a grocery order comes in, it may be the thing to lift Abners spirits. <br> Lum studies up the next big idea to turn the campaign around. Grandpap enters to brag on how well the other side is doing. Lizabeth is out there campaigning for Abner again, and the fickle womens mind seems to be swaying back in Abner’s favor. <br> Well if that doesn’t beat the bugs a fighting. Lum wonders what caused the change. When Cedric enters, he may have the secret of the new town following. <br>