Dad, is that you?

Drive by Night Show show

Summary: <p>Drive by Night Show is a drive around call in talk show.  Watch the show live on TikTok at <a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqbmFnYW9MUjE4Y1RPUGJlWjJFOGwzRjlwem9TUXxBQ3Jtc0tuenhuMW4tZnBROTRzaURieHhIalNycENNUE5ncGM2Q25hN256Q2dqOVhfSHpOall2MXp3Q0ViRW9memxockJETERoQ2dYb2MtMW14MjNhNlhTTjNFNk1TRnY2amUyVFRxVU00ZFpmUFlWdG5mVGdlbw&amp;" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>​ Thursdays from 8pm to 11pm central time.   We got a call from Florida and some kid claimed I was his dad and I went to get milk four years ago and never came home.  I told him I had to follow my dreams and talk to people on the phone in my car.  I asked how his mom is and if he needed any money.  He then told a joke about a golfman and the call was a lot of fun.  A kid then called from Missouri and claimed to be the cousin of the kid who just called.  We went with it and I asked how far are we gonna take this?</p>