Jack Benny – Fred Allen. ep249, 370314

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Or, From the Hotel Pierre. <br> He’s just a regular actor in New York, but Jack jokes about the luxury surroundings of the hotels that he hass been staying in. With the feud coming to a head, the taunts toward Fred Allen fly. Mary is back, and reads a telegram from the missing Kenny Baker. He had to travel back to Hollywood to make a movie. Abe Lyman is back to fill in for Phil Harris. Abe and the band play, I’ve Got Rhythm. <br> The jokes turn towards filing income tax. Schlepperman pops in to talk about his musical ability, then Mary sings, Your So Darn Cute. <br> As Jack helps Don out with a musical commercial, Fred Allen bursts onto the scene. With both comedians face to face, the feud takes on a new dimension without the time delay of waiting to comment on jokes made on the other’s show. Cast members get in on the jokes, then the taunts turn to each other’s movies, and more. The bickering breaks down to the two comedians taking it to the hallway. <br> Abe Lyman plays, Hallelujah. Worried over the outcome of the big fight, Mary and the cast don’t have long to learn who won. Jack and Fred enter, catching up on old times, and clearly reconciled. Will this be the end of the great feud? Npot even close, but for now, the frieneds sing a spoof of Mary’s song <br> Note: Though I usually like shows where Mary sings, she doesn’t do so well in this one. Too close to the mike, and very overdriven. Probably not her fault as much as the production engineers. <br>