Lum and Abner – Squire Has the Lodge Hall. 460213

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Boss Edwards, and candidate for mayor Abner are in the store, discussing their political campaign. They grumble that no one listened to their party line rally, because Squire upstaged them by giving away free ice cream. Even Abner stood in line for the tasty treat. Though Abner has got some good reports over listeners to the rally, Lum feels like he has been made the laughingstock of town. <br> Abner sings a few lines of his campaign song, and makes up one for the dogcatcher. He thinks the posters they have all over town, and the campaign buttons are doing a good job. Lum is upset though, because they have no public venue to hold a rally. Squire has the lodge hall booked up, and they can’t use the school house for politics. The weather is just too cold outside for having people standing around for political speeches. Abner figures a good bonfire will help, and it will keep people warm. Lum figures by the time the fire dies down, and his speech is fired up, people would get cold and leave. <br> He may still have a plan to get the use of the lodge hall. Can he sneak in some candidates for club membership? <br>