Great Gildersleeves – Leroy Has Competition. ep319, 490316

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: At dinner, Leroy is the first to be done, and ready to rush out. Is it that little girl from next door again, Brenda? After a little teasing from Gildy and Marjorie, a visitor comes over. it’s Brenda, and she has a house guest to introduce, a guy named Gerald. Will Gerald turn out to b any real competition for Leroy? <br> Gerald is so cultured, well mannered, and plays violin. All Leroy can do is show off with his atheletic prowess, and boyish stunts. The frustrated Leroy trudges home, and Gildersleeve tries to encourage him. Later, Gildersleeve goes to Floyd’s barber shop for a little quick advice of his own before Leroy is to meet him there for a haircut, and to get spruced up. Floyd suggests a good old fight might settle the score, but Gildy wants to take a more sane approach, at least until Leroy comes in from the aftermath of getting beat up by Gerald. <br> What Leroy needs is some tips from coach Gildersleeve to improve his boxing game. Before Leroy can confront the new kid, Gerald comes over to apologize to the family. Though it prevents more boxing matches, some secrets are shared from the overly polite Gerald that rankles Gildersleeve, and gets his temper up against his neighbor, Bullard. <br> Gildersleeve tries to coach Leroy on doing his fighting by killing with kindness, and making a good impression at the upcoming party. The two stop in at Peavey’s to pick up some party supplies, and practice some good manners. When the judge shows up, it stretches the limits on Gildersleeve politeness and manages to get under Peavey’s skin. (although he might not say that). <br> Back home, Marjorie helps with dancing lessons. Gildy does some music coaching. When the party starts, will all the polish and culture elevate Leroy’s standing? Will Gerald just keep blowing Leroy out of the water? Is there anything Leroy can do better than Gerald? <br> In the end, he plays a trump card on his multi tallented rival, and in epilog, Gildersleeve and Leroy put in a plug for Easter Seals. <br>