Jack Armstrong – Zambo Anga Adventure, part 24. 410206

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: After letting the captured Lieutenant Rawlings know they were there, Jack and uncle Jim Hyde as the footsteps of guards approach. Once the guards leave, uncle Jim and Jack discuss with Rawlings their chances for escape. The chances look slim that the army will arrive in time to save them. <br> Billy arrives with the warning that people are entering the cave from the other side. Will they have time to hide in that secret side tunnel they discovered before the band of warriors gets through? With Lieutenant Rawlings untied, they do their best to get to Betty and Hyde. The band of tribesmen seemed preoccupied and didn’t notice Jack and his friends. Why are they so alarmed? The natives are getting together to light a bonfire, What does this mean? Should our heroes bee worried the light will fill the cave and expose their presence. Hey, where is Manuel, and why didn’t he come in to warn them? <br> Note: This is the last installment I have in this story, until it picks up again in a couple weeks. Knowing that it returns, I think we know that Jack and his friends survive this crisis. Some things we might only guess at is how they got out of this scrape. <br> I’m going to say that the highly disturbed natives were trying to evade an army troop who came to the rescue in time. In the melee that surely ensued, the army probably made short work of the natives, reclaimed the rifles, and had happy reunions with their missing officer, Jack Armstrong and all his friends. But those are my guesses. What are yours? <br>