WMSC Condition Critical 042012 Interview

Japan Nick's Rock and Metal Pandemonium show

Summary: “Condition Critical is a Thrash Metal band from New Jersey – USA who recently released a demo in September 2011 to positive and encouraging reviews. With influences ranging from bands like Slayer, Exodus and Testament, the band digs deep into Old School Thrash Metal with memorable songs like “Time Wave Zero” and “Bred To Kill” which recall the days of early Kreator. The band also adds a Death Metal touch on songs like “S.M.R (Self Mutilation Ritual)” with non-stop riffing attack and aggressive drum beats.” -Patrick Saad In this interview Japan Nick had with the band discussed their upcoming trip to Florida to record their debut album, sharing the stage with notable bands like Morbid Saint, Jungle Rot, Burned By God Records, and more.