WMSC 010915 CD3

Japan Nick's Rock and Metal Pandemonium show

Summary: Japan Nick's Rock and Metal Pandemonium 010915 CD3 Acid Feast-Human Taxidermy from Split with Girth Acid Feast-Desire to Inflict Pain from split wiuth Horrendous Miscreation Acid Feast-Bloated and Putrifying from split with Horrendous Miscreation Bewitcher- Midnight Hunters from Midnight Hunters Black Fast- Virulent Cognition from Black Feast 2011 Ep Black Fast- Artificacts from Black Fast 2011 EP Hidden Intent-Good Friday Thrash from Walking Through Hell Hidden Intent-Creature of Habit from Walking Through Hell WASP- Chainsaw Charlie (Murders in the New Morgue) from The Crimson Idol Rigor Mortis-Sacrementum Gliatorum from Slaves to the Grave Rigor Mortis- Ludus Magnus- From Slaves to the Grave