012517 Pink Mass Hour 1 Interview By Japan Nick

Japan Nick's Rock and Metal Pandemonium show

Summary: January 25th 2017 Pink Mass Interview Pt 1 Josh Jeremy and Trevor of Pink Mass speak to Japan Nick They spoke about what a Pink Mass is, the history of them, why they are performed and other contemporary topics related to a Pink Mass. Pink Mass's Slut Shaming was talked about and explained. Skuz's Coffin Mincer was talked about and explained as well. Then this set was played. Pink Mass- Slut Shaming from Slvt Kvlt Skuz- Coffin Mincer from Endless Grief Church of Disgust- Rotting Above Ground from Unworldly Summoning Demoncy-Winter Bliss from Faustian Dawn Speaking about RAINN, the bands involved and the goal of the concert. They talked about their history as a band as well as individual histories in bands. Also there was talk about Famine Fest and Blood of the Wolf (Lexington KY fest) Slut Mass's Putrid Prophet was explained and played Desolator- A Pact with the devil from the Bell's Ninth Chime Skuz Decades of Grief from Decades of Grief