040517 Ache Interview By Japan Nick

Japan Nick's Rock and Metal Pandemonium show

Summary: Ache interview Rey Correa Bassist and Matt Gelsomino guitars visited Japan Nick's Rock and Metal Pandemonium on 040517 for an interview. Topics of conversation are listed below What it's like being a musician in the 5 boroughs lately? Being a sound engineer for a club Ache- Fade Away explained and played Vision of Disorder Choke had to be taken down due to copyright concerns Burn You Can't Stop Me had to be removed for same reason. The inspiration behind their music Ache- 98.6's song explained and played. Life of Agony- Underground had to be removed for above reasons Cro Mags- Malfunction was removed for above reasons DRI Syringes in the Sandbox was left in. Recording the drums and more input on the recording of this album by Ache. Pulling Teeth- Prepare for the Worst was removed for above reasons Tragedy Beginning of the End was removed for above reasons Wolfbrigade Web of Lies was removed for above reasons Ache- Movement of Fear was played and explained