JNQP 10 073120 Missouri Gravehuffer Ritchie Randall Interview

Japan Nick's Rock and Metal Pandemonium show

Summary: Japan Nick's Quarantine Podcast Episode 10 Gravehuffer Ritchie Randall Interview Ritchie Randall is the guitarist for the Joplin Missouri metal band Gravehuffer. He spoke up what it was like growing up there as a young music fan that eventually got into bands. He spoke about the history of his band as well as the current lineup. He spoke about his personal interest in History. We spoke in depth about the songs Stalingrad’s Cross, and Demon Face. We spoke about folklore and local legends in Missouri and New Jersey. We spoke about his 3 favorite songs he composed for his band. Right now Gravehuffer is trying to stay active on social media. They have a new album on the horizon later this year.